A MAZE. / Berlin 2023

12th International Games and Playful Media Festival



Since 2012 A MAZE. awards The Most Amazing works. The winner is selected by an interdisciplinary, international and 100% independent jury. We extended and changed awards in the many years since, our categories are now: “Most Amazing Award”, “Human Human Machine Award”, “Long Feature Award”, “Digital Moment Award”, “Explorer Award” and “Audience Award” .

The submissions are closed now -
Thank you for 286 entries from 56 countries around the world! Nominees will be announced on March 13!

All Submissions

A MAZE./ is looking for works pushing the medium of playful arts - fully finished works, demos, experiments, performances or prototypes are welcomed! Each nominee and honorable mentions will receive news buzz and a spot in our digital and onsite exhibition - Travel and building up booths is optional! For the digital exhibit, works should be presentable either as a publicly available version or video documentation. Besides winning one of the Awards with their attached 1000€ price money (2000€ for the main price), every exhibited work at the festival has the chance to additionally win the Audience Award.



Members of the Selection Committee can register or reactivate a previously used account to test Submitted Works between January 16, 2023, and February 26, 2023. To reactivate an account, simply log in, edit your Profile and select "2023" in the drop-down in your Jury Profile. Reviewing 5 or more entries will allow members of the Selection Committee to get a 25% discount at the festival tickets.

Register as Selection Committee


Join the A MAZE. Discord, where we invite anyone to showcase their works to our international playful media and arthouse games community. Hold livestreams, get feedback, discuss current topics or be part of the open playtests if you become a member of the selection committee. A MAZE. is all year around!

A MAZE. Discord


Dec 12: Start of Submissions and Jury-Registration
Jan 16: Judging starts
Jan 31: Submission Deadline
Feb 12: Extended Submission Deadline
Feb 26: Judging ends
Mar 13: Announcement Nominees
May 10: A MAZE. / Berlin starts online and onsite
May 12: Award ceremony

How we review
The international Selection Committee reviews all entries and rates them based on innovation, potential, interdisciplinarity, social/cultural/political impact, aesthetics and overall awesomeness. They also leave comments and suggest a category. The A MAZE./ Berlin team builds upon that base and selects the nominees. After the nominee selection, a final jury of 5 experts, including the winner of the previous year, has the honor to select the winners.

If you just want to showcase your work - Please apply for the open screens around one month before the festival, post your work in our A MAZE. Discord or become part of the A MAZE. Bazaar - the only and first international market for arthouse games, independent games and playful media productions which gives authors and digital artists the opportunity to meet with publishers, funding institutions, art institutions and collaborators. Submissions and Honorable Mentions in the Award Contest will be notified and preferred.

Read the directors statement | More about the award categories

Have a look at the last years editions:

2022 Recordings of Talks and Shows

If you have any questions, please contact us at award_at_a-maze.net.

More about A MAZE. / Berlin 2023
Festival-Tickets available here

Organized by A MAZE.
Check out the 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 editions!